
Showing posts from October, 2023

Final: Are You Worth More Than A Sheep?

  "How much, then, is man better than a sheep!" —Matt. 12:12 On the lips of Christ these noble words were an exclamation.  He knew, as no one else has ever known, "what was in man."  But to us who repeat these words they often seem like a question.  How much, after all, are humans better than a sheep?  It is evident that the answer to this question must depend upon our general view of life.   Suppose that we take a materialistic view of life.  Looking at the world from this standpoint, we shall see it a great mass of matter, curiously regulated by laws which have results but no purposes, and agitated into various modes of motion by a secret force whose origin is, and forever must be, unknown.  Life, in man as in other animals, is but one form of force.  Rising through many subtle gradations, from the first tremor that passes through the gastric nerve of a jellyfish to the most delicate vibration of gray matter in the brain, it is really the same from the beginni