The Eternal Rewards
Although a believer who has come to salvation through faith alone in Christ alone cannot lose their salvation, the reversionist believer can lose their eternal rewards if they do not confess their known sins to God (1 John 1:9) and do not use their time in this world to grow in grace “and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.”
These rewards are held in “escrow” and are available to all believers who have achieved spiritual maturity in time through continued advancement in the plan of God, keeping current on the confession of sin, study and application of the Word of God to their lives, achieving the mind of Christ and maximum glory of God in their Earthly existence.
The word "Nike" is a Koine Greek word for “victorious”, which describes the believer who has achieved the “high ground” of spiritual maturity in time and eternity. Thus, this list of eternal rewards has been called the “Nike Awards” and is given out to the mature believers at the Evaluation Throne for all the believers in Christ to be held during the time of the Tribulation, after the rapture of the Church.
A List Of The Eternal Awards: Revelation 2:7, 10, 17, 26-28; 3:4-5,20) Revelation, chapters 2 and 3 reveal seven Nike Awards containing 13 escrow blessings:
1. The 1st Nike Award:
(1) The privilege to eat from the tree of life.
(2) Eternal Membership in the Paradise Club of God.
Revelation 2:7 - “To him who is a winner I will give him the privilege of eating from the Tree of Life which is in the Paradise Club of God.”
2. The 2nd Nike Award:
(3) The Crown, Corona, Coronet, or / stephanos / of life.
Revelation 2:10 - “Keep on becoming faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.”
3. The 3rd Nike Award:
(4) Christened with a new name of aristocracy.
Revelation 2:17 - “To him who is a winner, I will give blessing from the source of the hidden manna [ escrow blessings in time ], and I will give him a white stone [ resurrection body ]; furthermore, on the stone has been written a new name of aristocracy, which new name of aristocracy no one knows except the one who receives it.”
4. The 4th Nike Award:
(5) Assignment to and rulership authority over a nation in the Millennial theocracy.
(6) Investiture into the eternal order of chivalry, the Most Noble Order of the Morning Star.
Revelation 2:26 - “And so the winner, even he who keeps My assignments until the end [ physical death ], ‘To Him [ The Lord quotes Psalm 2:8-9 where this pronoun refers to the Messiah but here the Messiah Himself addresses winners to whom He is presenting a Nike Award ] I will give authority over the Gentile nations.’”
NOTE: In verse 27 the quote by our Lord continues from Psalm 2, therefore the pronouns still refer to winners who are being delegated authority by the Messiah, Who in turn received His authority from the Father in Psalm 2.
Revelation 2:27 - “’And so He [ the winner ] will rule them [ the nations ] with an iron scepter. He will shatter them as clay pottery [ with delegated authority from Messiah winners execute divine policy in their respective nations (this is the end of the quote from Psalm 2) ].’ I [ Jesus Christ ] also have received My authority from My Father.
v. 28 - “Furthermore, I will give to him [ Church Age winner ] the Order of the Morning Star.”
5. The 5th Nike Award:
(7) Invested with a uniform of glory.
( Permanent listing of the new title of peerage from the 3rd Nike into the Book of Life.
(9) Presentation at Court to the Father with formal introduction conducted by Jesus Christ.
Revelation 3:4 - “But you have a few persons in Sardis [ Pivot ] who have not soiled their clothes [ uniform of honor ], in fact, they will walk with Me in whites [ uniform of glory ] because they are worthy.
v. 5 - “Thus the winner shall be clothed in white garments [ uniform of glory ] and I will not ever blot his new title of aristocracy [ see the 3rd Nike ] out of the Book of Life, in fact, I will present him at court using his new title of aristocracy in the presence of My Father and before His angels.”
6. The 6th Nike Award:
(10) Achievements in the Angelic Conflict permanently catalogued onto a stela in the temple of God in heaven.
(11) The grant of a coat of arms blazoned to the uniform of glory.
(12) Entrée into the new Jerusalem.
Revelation 3:12 - “The winner, I will make him a stela [ eternal documentation of the winner’s invisible achievements in time ] in the temple of My God [ historical records department ]. Furthermore, he will not ever vanish from history [ because of these achievements ]. Also I will blazon on his uniform of glory [ a grant of a coat of arms ] the following charges [ heraldic devices placed on the field of arms ]: the title of My God [ a gold sovereign’s crown charged to a field of blue ]; the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from the immediate source of heaven from the ultimate source of My God [ a green tree of life charged to a field of gold ];
Also My new name [ a golden lion rampant, double-tailed with a sovereign’s crown on his head, and an iron scepter in his right forepaw charged to a field of red ].”
7. The 7th Nike Award:
(13) Appointment to the General Assembly of the true United Nations in the theocracies of both the Millennium and the new earth.
Revelation 3:21 - “The winner, I [ Jesus Christ as Secretary General of the UN ] will give him the privilege of sitting with Me on My throne [ appointment to the general assembly of the theocracies of the Millennium and the new earth ] as I have been victorious [ operation reconciliation ] and have sat down with My Father on His throne [ session ].”
All of these Nike Awards are used by our Lord to create a new order of chivalry: the attitude and character of the Christian warrior of the Angelic Conflict who rises to the level of pl»rwma / pleroma / status.(Spiritual Maturity, which is occupation with Christ and sharing the happiness of God.)
This chivalry is marked by loyalty, consecration, and dedication to the Word of God associated with his enduring devotion to God. Further, this chivalry is marked by the deference, admiration, honor, esteem, consideration, and partiality that characterizes his reciprocal love for God.
By advancing to the high ground in time the winner demonstrates maximum submission to the system, spirit, and customs established for the royal family of God as they are revealed in the Word of God.
His exploits involved the engagements of the Angelic Conflict which may be characterized by the knight-errant who exhibits military skill, prowess, and generosity in dealing with the various challenges that it offers. Consequently, these awards describe the investiture that comes to those who achieve in service to their sovereign, their client nation, or the royal family of God.
Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “investiture”:
The action of clothing or robbing; the ceremony of clothing in the insignia of an office; the formal investing of a person with an office or rank; establishment in any state of privilege or honor.
Thus the winner’s investiture includes clothing, insignia of office, office, rank, privilege, and honor.
The 13 escrow blessings can be grouped into these six categories of investiture:
Clothing: The crown of life and the uniform of glory.
Insignia of office: The most noble Order of the Morning Star and the grant of a coat of arms.
Office: Rulership of a Gentile nation.
Rank: A new name of aristocracy.
Privilege: Entrée into the new Jerusalem; membership in the Paradise Club; access to the tree of life, and sitting with Christ on His throne.
Honor: Presentation at Court; permanent inscription of his new title into the Book of Life; and achievements sculpted on a stela in the temple.
These Nike Awards are contained in the eternal escrow for every person who believes in Jesus Christ. They are conveyed as dividends at the Judgment Seat of Christ to those who redeem time, make the advance to spiritual maturity, and receive the conveyance of escrow blessings in time.
And the thing that enables the believer to advance in the plan of God to the point of having escrow blessings conveyed is the redemption of time.
The word for time in Eph. 5:16 is / karpos / and refers to the amount of time God allots to each one of us after salvation to fulfill his plan. This allotted time is capital that must be redeemed and then invested in order to gain the dividends we have now noted in Revelation 2 and 3.
Redemption begins with rebound (confession of sin to God alone) and is invested by means of the three spiritual skills. (Consistency of fellowship, the teaching ministries of the Holy Spirit, and application of doctrine under pressure, eliminating fear in life.) Dividends include the conveyance of escrow blessings in time which results in escrow blessings in eternity.
Time is therefore not only a part of our logistical grace support, it is also designed as an opportunity. We have the option to release time from bondage through faith in Christ and subsequently through rebound.
Once emancipated we have the option to invest that time in our spiritual advance.
Emancipation of time is a part of the Christian way of life expressed through a mandate for positive action that is to be facilitated as a wheel-track of righteousness.
Ephesians 5:16 - Keep on purchasing time …
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