What Is Christianity And How Do I Study The Word Of God?


Christianity IS NOT a religion. The word 'Christianity' denotes a PERSONAL relationship with God.

Christianity is a relationship between God and man based on the work of Christ on the cross. God offers all and humans receive the gift. God is free to do all He does for us because of the intersession of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Religion, in all its forms, is man’s attempt to gain salvation or approval of God through works. Man offers something and God rejects it. Religion is Satan’s attempt to convince people that man can do something for salvation. In other words, Christianity is God reaching out to mankind; Religion is mankind trying to reach out to God.

6 Propositions And A Gospel Presentation:

There are three systems of learning:

1) Rationalism: Knowledge obtained through reason. Philosophers use this method.

2) Empiricism: Knowledge obtained through experience. Truly objective scientists use this method.

3) Faith: Acceptance of established criterion as basis for evaluating reality.

In the Bible, God establishes criterion for the evaluation of the revealed God.

Faith is a non-meritorious system of evaluation. Faith does not receive credit for what it believes. “You” are the subject (when you would say, for instance, “I believe”) and “believe” is the verb. One must have something to believe in. So, the “I” in “I believe” and the verb “believe” receives no credit for faith. When one would say, “ I believe in the Bible”, then the Bible is the object, and that object has the merit.

Therefore, Christians believe God exists because they have faith in the Word of God and the Bible says that God exists.

“Barach Bara Elohim” (“ In the beginning, God created…”)

6 Propositions:

1) God exists: One may say, “God doesn’t exist” but it would be more accurate to say, “Based on what I know, God doesn’t exist.” One may come into contact with information that, objectively considered, might change your mind.

2) God reveals himself: To show He exists, God is revealed in the Bible. We are less than God, as it was He who created us; therefore He desires to have fellowship with us. To do that, He must reveal Himself to us. The dictionary definition of God is: “Eternal creator, supreme being, sovereign ruler of the universe.

3) God makes sense: God has to reveal Himself in terms we can understand. With the canonization if the Bible, all other forms of Divine Revelation ceased to function, therefore the Bible is the only source of Divine Revelation we have. God likes order (1 Cor. 14:33) and seeks to communicate with humanity in an orderly manner. There are some who say that the Bible is contradictory to itself. Does the Bible contradict itself? If studied in the English translations only, then that might possibly be so. However, a detailed exegesis of the Word of God in the original languages of Old Hebrew (Old Testament) and Koine Greek (New Testament) proves that this is not so. It is the job of the Pastor to translate from the original languages doctrine that can be applied to the Christian way of life. The advancing Christian must take a little bit of doctrine here, a little bit there, and begin over time to piece together and start a learning system. 

For instance, you can’t understand Calculus without Algebra, and Algebra can’t be understood with out a foundation of Multiplication and Division, and to understand that, one must first begin the journey by learning addition and subtraction. There is no discipline that requires more study than theology, yet people are quick to comment on theological issues with no organized study, no reference to study systems, no regard for categories or languages. 1 Cor. 14:40; “Everything should be done in a professional and organized manner.”

4) God has a plan: If God is intent on revealing Himself to the human race and He is organized, then He must have a plan. If He in indeed revealing Himself to man, He wants fellowship with His creation. That plan must include all of His creation, and every human being.

5) You are a human being: It is logical to believe that God wants fellowship with you and has a plan for you. If God exists, if He is revealed, if He makes sense, and if He has a plan for humans, and you are a human, then…

6) You owe God an objective hearing with an open mind, willing to concentrate. God operates on a system of freedom and grace. You are not forced.

Therefore, this is statement regarding the essentials of the Gospel of Jesus Christ:

Salvation is: Faith alone in Christ alone.

Jesus of Nazareth, Who is both perfect God and sinless Man, was sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the human race after which He died, was buried, and after three days was resurrected from the dead.  The purpose of these things is that anyone who believes them will be delivered from punishment in the lake of fire after he dies.  The result of these things is that anyone who believes them will be delivered into eternal life and will go to heaven when he dies.

John 3:16: " For God so loved the world that He gave His only uniquely born Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

2Cor. 5:21; “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Sin is not the issue. The issue is what think ye of Christ?

If you believe that this, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is true, then you are truly and eternally saved.

Now That I Am Saved,

Now What?

Congratulations, you have made the most important decision of your life. At a moment in time you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior, the perfect Person was judged as a substitute for your sins. From that instant of faith alone in Christ alone, you have eternal life and will share all that Jesus Christ has been given by the Father.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His uniquely born Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Heaven is guaranteed to every believer (1 Peter 1:4-5, see also the Doctrine Of Eternal Security). But the quality and impact of the believer’s life on earth depends on his execution of God’s plan after salvation.

What is God’s plan for you following your personal faith in Christ? The apostle Peter said it best.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:18)

When you learn who and what Christ is you can begin to share His thinking. God commands you to think divine viewpoint so His gracious purpose can be fulfilled in your life (Romans 12:2, John 15:10, 14).

God’s purpose for you after salvation calls for spiritual growth.

You are kept alive on earth to fulfill your personal destiny by becoming a mature believer as an expression of God’s glory in both time and eternity. Only as a mature believer can you consistently glorify God by receiving the highest and best that He has prepared for you (Ephesians 1:3–6).

You advance spiritually by consistently learning, thinking, and applying Bible doctrine. Persistent intake and application of doctrine enlarge your capacity for life, for love, for Christian service, for blessings and for happiness.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24–25)

Before you begin your Bible study, if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ be sure you have named your sins privately to God the Father.

If we confess our [known] sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our [known] sins and to cleanse us from all [unknown, or forgotten sins] unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

You will then be in fellowship with God, filled with the Holy Spirit, and ready to learn Bible doctrine from the Word of God.

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in [the filling of the] spirit and [biblical] truth. (John 4:24)

If you have never personally believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, the issue is not naming your sins. The issue is faith alone in Christ alone.

"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey [the command to believe in] the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." (John 3:36)


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